Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Risk Management and Budget Linkage


“Please make yourself available for a training on risk management or else be ready to be replaced by someone who will. This project will not fail with you!”  My team members will hear this the moment risks are ignored. I will demand that risk management be given the same attention as time, scope and cost management when undertaking a project.

Serious consideration of risks in project management is a MUST or else one has to be ready for shutdown, to abandon work, to be charged for breach of contract or to miss the opportunity for a better project implementation. Positive risks (opportunities) should be embraced and exploited while negative risks (threats) should be avoided, if not should be mitigated to ensure that impact is manageable.  

I don’t like negative surprises especially in my line of work.  Managing the organization’s limited finances taught me to be overly meticulous of project proposals especially the portion “budgetary requirements”.  Is everything included and do estimates reflect cost escalation, delivery charges,  taxes and time delays are just two of the questions I ask when evaluating a project proposal’s budgetary requirements to ensure sufficiency and accuracy of the appropriation, completion and functional use of the project.    I cannot be complacent because the burden of looking for additional budget/funds to complete a project rests on my shoulders and any miscalculations/mismanagement of project variables will affect the cost variable. 

Risks are expected in every project that is why contingency/back-up plans are crafted.  Deviations may happen but should not be beyond the acceptable variance or else the project will fail and objectives will not be met as the above picture I label as "Half Concrete, Half Budget in Progress".   I cannot be happy with this as I am always on top of threats because I am badYet frendly. 

Thursday, February 10, 2022



   It is a non-working holiday for me without my phone, computer and WIFI connection.  I can’t pass the day without watching my favorite K-drama on Netflix. My life is simply a DRIVERLESS CAR without information technology.

    My work rotates around processes that involve our organization’s budget. My ultimate goal is to ensure that a budget deficit does not happen and prevent expenditure to exceed appropriation. I might end up retiring from work early or worst, take a vacation in a barred cell. Information technology helps me to easily, timely and accurately prepare, release, execute and monitor our local government unit's budget. It enables me to comfortably generate and submit reports, access, store and process budget data/information crucial to decision-making.   I cannot imagine myself looking like a columnar pad without information technology. So OBSOLETE!

    Information technology also helps me facilitate faster communication, reduces cost and time spent on doing my job and helps me stay connected with work wherever I am. With our eBudget system, I can check available budget in seconds.  

    Personally, my phone helps me manage my activities and finances at the comforts of my home.  I am a user of online banking, group chats, distance learning modality, Shopee, Lazada, Grab and food panda among others. I watch my favorite "Gracious Revenge" on my laptop or phone anytime and I get to monitor my son even at work.  

"Gracious Revenge" https://asianwiki.com/images/c/cd/ Gracious_Revenge-p11.jpg
"Gracious Revenge"

Gracious Revenge. (2020). [Photograph].retrieved from https://Asianwiki.Com/Images/c/Cd/ Gracious_Revenge-P11.Jpg. https://www.google.com/search?q=gracious+revenge&rlz=1C1GCEA_enPH925PH929&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEltmog_T1AhUILJQKHQ4iCPcQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1366&bih=625&dpr=1#imgrc=xf7FRvZx108ghM

    Truly, I have become dependent on the use of information technology in my everyday life but I am also well aware of its negative effects. So I make sure that my engagement tops the best part of IT. Certainly, I have ready alternatives when IT DISCONNECTS or BREAKS DOWN because delivery of public service and my life continue on despite of setbacks.  I want to always be proactive and badYET frendly.

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